What to Do When Excess Rainwater Causes Your Home to Subside

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Storage: Keeping Things Safe

If you are planning to place your belongings into a storage unit, you will want to make sure that they are safe. My name is Peter, I live in Perth. When I decided to move in with my girlfriend, I suddenly realised that there wasn't any room for my collection of model trains. I didn't want to sell them, so I decided to put them into storage until I had the room to set to up again. I found a great storage company who gave me lots of fantastic advice about how to keep the items safe. I hope this advice will be of help to you.


What to Do When Excess Rainwater Causes Your Home to Subside

24 April 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Excess rainwater can cause significant damage to your home, especially if it's not addressed on time. If your house is sinking or settling, it is important to act fast to prevent further damage. What should you do to address these issues as soon as possible?

Assess the Damage

The first step towards addressing the problem is to assess the extent of the damage. Get a professional home inspector to assess the situation and determine the cause of the subsidence. The inspector will check for signs of cracks on the walls, ceiling, or foundation and make recommendations on the best approach to fix the problem. You can get referrals for reliable home inspectors from friends and family or check out online directories.

Find the Source of Water

The next step is to locate the source of water that caused the subsidence. It could be from nearby streams, drainage, or even on your property. If the cause of the subsidence is not addressed, the problem will most likely reoccur. You may need to make alterations to the drainage around your home or get in touch with the local authority for more advice. However, sometimes, mother nature will cause issues with the water table, which are very difficult to predict.

Fix the Damage

Once you have identified the cause of subsidence and the water source, it's time to fix the damage. This next step will depend on the severity of the issue, but often, you need to bring in a specialist contractor to re-level the home underneath the slab. This is known as "re-stumping" and is a great medium and long-term solution to the issue.

Keep Your Home Insured

Consider purchasing a home insurance policy that covers subsidence damage. Home insurance policies vary, so make sure to check the coverage guidelines before purchasing one. Some policies may specifically exclude subsidence damage or only provide minimal coverage. Ensure you read and understand the policy requirements, including the amount of coverage and deductibles, before purchasing the policy.

What to Remember

Unfortunately, excess rainwater can cause significant damage to your home, leading to subsidence or sinking. If you are experiencing subsidence, it is crucial to act fast to prevent the problem from escalating. Assess the damage with a professional inspector, and if you can, address the source of the water itself. Otherwise, bring in specialist contractors to add new stumps underneath the slab. Often, these are adjustable so you can not only get back to normal but deal with any further issues in the future. 

For more info about restumping, contact a local professional.