About Me
Storage: Keeping Things Safe

If you are planning to place your belongings into a storage unit, you will want to make sure that they are safe. My name is Peter, I live in Perth. When I decided to move in with my girlfriend, I suddenly realised that there wasn't any room for my collection of model trains. I didn't want to sell them, so I decided to put them into storage until I had the room to set to up again. I found a great storage company who gave me lots of fantastic advice about how to keep the items safe. I hope this advice will be of help to you.


How to Ensure a Successful Interstate Home Removal

28 January 2025
 Categories: , Blog

Moving to a new home is always a significant event, but an interstate move adds an extra layer of complexity. With careful planning and the right approach, you can make the process seamless and stress-free. To ensure the success of your interstate removal, it’s important to focus on preparation, organisation, and professional support. Create a Detailed Moving Plan Start by outlining a plan for your interstate move as early as possible. Read More …